Board Meeting Minutes from 5-25-2010
Date Posted: 6/27/2010


Date: May 25, 2010
Time : 4:30pm
Location: Micco Library
Meeting called to order: JP called the meeting to order 4:30pm
Roll Call: Present: JP, Greg P; Sue S; Scott B by phone, Kim C; Absent
Treasurers Report: Effective May 31, 2010 by Greg P.
Bank Balance: $56,536.23
Reserves: $5,748.18
Total Operating: $62,284.41
11 Delinquents Totaling $49,615.02
 Lake Maintenance Contract- Greg P. made a motion not to renew the Aquatic contract effective June 30, 2010, but to sign an 18 month contract with Superior Waterway saving the Association $110.00 per month; 2nd by JP; motion passed unanimously.

JP requested status report of Master Association Quarterly fees reportedly the Association is responsible for 15% of 33 1/2% of the Master Association Budget.

Security / Safety Committee Reports- Gate incident damage reportedly to cost $225. Cameras did not pick up images. Camera replaced and relocated.

Security Reports: Greg P. made a motion to approve the amended Rules and Regulations for Vehicles & Parking; 2nd by Sue S. Motion passed unanimously. Amended Rules and Regulations will be sent to all residents. JP made a motion to approve the speed limit in the Association amended Vehicles and Parking Rules from 20mph to 25mph; 2nd by Sue S. Motion passed unanimously.

 ACC Reports: Sue made a motion to add Fred Dubendorf and Leonard Zeiler to the ACC committee; 2nd by JP motion passed unanimously. ACC Committee to meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 10:00am. The Committee has 45 days to review ACC applications.

 Landscape Committee Reports: Sue S. requested the Landscape Committee be more involved in the landscape replacement process. Greg P. made a motion to not mulch the Association this year as to ear mark the mulch funds in the budget to the short fall in the replacement plant budget due to the cold weather freeze; 2nd by Sue S; motion passed unanimously.

 New Business: JP stated Association had been named in a law suit from Coupard regarding ACC request to alter exterior of home. The Association Attorney has been retained.

JP stated the plant replacement is in progress.

JP made a motion to approve the new Renter/Resale application to be filled out by all renters and new homeowners; 2nd by Greg P; motion passed unanimously. New Renter- Resale Applications will be sent to all residents.

JP stated the Association has a new community Website that was produced by Scott Adair and Rob Wenz..

JP made a motion to Trash Collection updated Rules and Regulations; 2nd by Greg P. On the Motion, Greg P, JP, Scott Brooks voted for the motion, Sue Sheppard, voted to abstain. Motion passed 3-0. Updated Rules and Regulations will be sent to all residents.

Adjournment: JP made a motion to adjourn 6:30pm; unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted for the Board,
Steve Schnitzer
Community Association Manager
Lake At Waterstone HOA